
Taking on challenges in accordance with its founding venture spirit, and responding flexibly to changes in environment, Admatechs

  • 1. Develops the most advanced technologies in order to contribute to the progress of society.
  • 2. Ensures the development and contentment of its employees through corporate activities.
  • 3. Generates continued and appropria profits in order to return benefits to its employees, shareholders and customers as well as to society.

As Admatechs employees, we

  • 1. Aim to fully satisfy customer and market requirements regarding quality, quantity and delivery time.
  • 2. Carefully observe materials at actual sites, think problems through and discuss them thoroughly before drawing conclusions.
  • 3. Make decisions and put these into practice with strong determination at the greatest speed.
  • 4. Take an active part in gaining experiences in all business situations.
  • 5. Affirm the truth regardless of the situation.
  • 6. Start with ideas and continue to change them in order to arrive at facts
    Formulation of a hypothesis ▶ Experiments ▶ Verification ▶ Changes in the hypothesis.

Enacted in June 2009

What is Admatechs?

Admatechs Way

Corporate Profile


Organization Chart

Corporate History

Business Development

Business Establishments

Group Company

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